Collective Healing Anonymous

Empowering Non-Religious Spirituality toward Self Discovery, Healing, Feeling, and Awakening.

Starting a CHA Gathering

Collective Healing Anonymous Basics

Starting a CHA gathering and watching it grow can be an amazing and rewarding step in your journey of feeling, healing, and awakening. Since everything you need to know for starting and conducting a gathering is in the CHA Basics Book, it is encouraged to purchase one, read through it, and follow the instructions.  CHA also suggests having several copies of the CHA Basics on hand for those interested in attending as it is a simple yet thorough guide for participating in the support groups and fully understanding the Collective Healing Anonymous process. To order a copy of the CHA Basics Book, please contact us here.

Communication Options for Inviting People to Meetings

Starting Your First CHA Gathering

Below are copy and paste options for inviting participants to your first CHA gathering. Be sure to follow the suggested instructions in the CHA Basics Book before moving forward. Feel free to change the language if you feel moved and of course make sure your days, times, and locations are accurate.

1st Message – Checking Interest:


Hello [their name]!


I am checking in with you based on our mutual love for inner transformation and peaceful coexistence. This is just a short message to see if you have any interest in checking out a new and empowering support group we are starting called, Collective Healing Anonymous (CHA). It is a non-religious, yet highly spiritual process and non-judgmental gathering exclusively dedicated to healing, feeling, and awakening.


1) Is this something you may be interested in checking out sometime?

2) Meetings held weekly and last 1 hour.

3) No obligation to attend every week.

4) Free to All but donations welcome.

5) More info can be found here:


If you don’t mind, let me know your interest level by responding to this message. If I don’t hear from you I will keep you on the invitation and reminder list.


Kind Regards,


[your name]

2nd Message – Save the Date Official Invitation


Hello [their name]!


SAVE THE DATE by marking it on your calendar! This is your official invitation to join us for our first Collective Healing Anonymous (CHA) gathering on:


– Tuesday, March 26, 1999 from 630pm to 730pm

– Every Tuesday from then on at 630pm

– Location: 1234 Everywhere Street, Dayton, Ohio 45420

– Free to All but donations welcome

– More info can be found at


Feel free to let me know if you want to be taken off the invitation list, although we’d love your participation. 




[your name]

3rd Message – First Friendly Reminder for First Meeting (send 3 days prior to meeting)


Hello [their name]!


This is just a friendly reminder if you feel moved to join us for our first Collective Healing Anonymous (CHA) gathering. The essence of CHA focuses on healing, feeling, and awakening in a world in dire need of collective healing through inner transformation.


– Tuesday, March 26, 1999 from 630pm to 730pm

– Every Tuesday from then on at 630pm

– Location: 1234 Everywhere Street, Dayton, Ohio 45420

– Free to All but donations welcome

– More info can be found at


Feel free to arrive last minute even if you don’t RSVP. If I don’t hear from you I will keep you on the invitation – reminder list.




[your name]

4th Message – Final Reminder Message – Send day of meeting


Hello [their name]!


This is a friendly reminder for tonight’s first Collective Healing Anonymous support group gathering centered around healing, feeling, and awakening. They will be held every [DAY OF WEEK], [TIME] at [LOCATION], for one hour. There is no obligation to attend every week, and feel free to just show up or let me know you’re coming. Also, if you would like to be taken off the reminder list, please let me know.


– Tuesday, March 26, 1999 from 630pm to 730pm

– Every Tuesday from then on at 630pm

– Location: 1234 Everywhere Street, Dayton, Ohio 45420

– Free to All but donations welcome

– More info can be found at


Feel free to arrive last minute even if you don’t RSVP.


All the best!


[your name]

Contact Collective Healing Anonymous Now
Need Help or more information? Looking for a local CHA meeting or seeking to start one in your area? Reach out and contact a trusted friend here.