Collective Healing Anonymous

Empowering Non-Religious Spirituality toward Self Discovery, Healing, Feeling, and Awakening.


Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Do I have to obligate to following the Collective Healing Anonymous (CHA)12 Steps in order to attend and participate in support group meetings?

A. No. There is absolutely no obligation to working the 12 steps in order to participate in the CHA gatherings. CHA gatherings can act as a foundational support system for anyone on a healing, feeling, and awakening journey, and help support whatever process, program, or therapy you may be currently utilizing.

Q. How long do CHA support group meetings last?

A. CHA gatherings last 1 hour as to accommodate the active lifestyles of most people. However, after the official meeting has closed if time and location permits, it is encouraged to allow people to talk among themselves, get to know one another, and perhaps continue the discussion; like having another meeting after the meeting.

Q. Is CHA a replacement for my current or traditional 12-Step Program?

A. No. CHA is not a replacement for any 12-Step program you may be involved with, although you may resonate more with CHA, and choose to make it your primary support group. CHA is another support and healing option you may either use exclusively or include with your current practices and processes.

Q. Do I have to pay a fee or obligate to financial donations in order to participate.

A. No. There are no dues or fees in order to participate. You may always attend CHA gatherings at no financial burden to you; although donations are welcome to cover practical expenses, like meeting room rent if applicable, CHA print material, and other operational expenses.

Q. Is CHA specifically an addiction recovery program.

A. No. Collective Healing Anonymous is NOT an addiction recovery program. CHA is primarily about Self-Discovery, Healing, Feeling, and Awakening with the secondary potential to be free from all compulsions, obsessions, addictions, dependencies, and identity challenges, IN THIS LIFE.

Q. How do I get started in Collective Healing Anonymous?

A. The easiest way to get started in CHA is to either order a copy of the CHA Basics Book or attend a meeting, or both. The importance of having a CHA Basics Book is because it provides you with inspirational and empowering information and tools, and how to start your own meeting, especially when there are not meetings in your area just yet.

Q. Do I have to attend every meeting once I am involved?

A. No. There is no obligation to attend every weekly gathering once you discover the healing and liberating qualities of CHA. Some people feel moved to attend every week, or every other week, or even once a month. Do what feels right for you.

Q. How do I find a CHA support group meeting in my area?

A. The easiest way is to contact us. It is quite possible that meetings in your area are held in a private residence and not publicly promoted.

Q. What if there is NOT a CHA support group gathering in my area?

A. If there is not a CHA gathering meeting regularly held in your area, then start one. The CHA volunteers have created a CHA Basics Book that has simple and easy to follow steps for starting a gathering in your area.

Q. Can I find an online or Zoom CHA meeting?

A. Not at the moment. CHA has discovered that many people are suffering a lack of physical in-person connection with those of like minds and non-religious, yet spiritual interests. CHA seeks to remedy this seeming challenge by not holding virtual gatherings but capitalizing on the healing, feeling, and awakening presence of meeting in person. However, CHA is open to the possibility of virtual meetings at some point, and if there are no gatherings in your area, CHA recommends starting one yourself. This can be a highly rewarding and catalyst for your own Self-Discovery and healing.

Q. Do I have to talk at meetings?

A. No. However, we do ask that you introduce yourself by first name only, but there is no obligation to speak. You may choose to pass or opt out of any part of the discussion at any time. Your healing, feeling, and awakening journey is up to you.

Q. How many people can attend a CHA meeting?

A. Given the intimate nature of the meeting format and practical nature of open discussion support group gatherings that last one hour, the maximum number of participants is usually around 10. This is to allow everyone the opportunity to speak and participate if they so choose. If gatherings begin to grow beyond 10, then it is suggested to split the group and hold two meetings simultaneously. For instance, a night where 14 people show up, split into 2 groups of 7 and go from there. 

Q. Is CHA a non-profit or for profit organization.

A. No. CHA is neither a non-profit or for-profit business or organization. Collective Healing Anonymous is a non-religious yet highly spiritual movement and process. It is not a legal entity, has no physical location, and is run 100% on a volunteer basis.

Contact Collective Healing Anonymous Now
Need Help or more information? Looking for a local CHA meeting or seeking to start one in your area? Reach out and contact a trusted friend here.