Collective Healing Anonymous

Empowering Non-Religious Spirituality toward Self Discovery, Healing, Feeling, and Awakening.

Helpful Resources

Collective Healing Anonymous Dedication

CHA is a loving invitation and compassionate opportunity to be deeply honest with ourselves through a revolutionary non-religious 12-step process toward healing, feeling, and awakening. As we begin realizing our primal innocence and truth of ourselves through this journey of self-love, forgiveness, and acceptance, we rediscover our natural wholeness and worthiness that never left. By sincerely acknowledging and healing whatever obsessions, compulsions, addictions, and identity challenges holding us back from living a life of everlasting inner freedom and joyful peacefulness, we reclaim autonomy of our body and mind. As willing and grateful participants of CHA, we dedicate ourselves to genuine inner transformation, peaceful coexistence, and Self-Realization – Enlightenment.

Collective Healing Anonymous Basics

Collective Healing Anonymous Basics is an inspirational and empowering guide that provides everything you need to know about Collective Healing Anonymous, neatly packed in this easy to read and understand 45 page, full-color book. From discovering the ins and outs of what makes CHA’s non-religious, yet spiritual process so revolutionary, unique, and helpful, to learning what to expect when attending support group meetings, this CHA Basics Book provides tools, resources, and guidance to assist you on a profound journey of Self-Discovery, Healing, Feeling, and Awakening. To order your copy of the CHA Basics Book, contact us here.

The Collective Healing Anonymous process is universal, offering a flexible and inclusive approach that can be applied to a wide range of emotional, mental, and spiritual challenges. Whether dealing with anxiety, past trauma, self-limiting beliefs, addictions, identity crisis, sexual obsessions & compulsions, or spiritual disconnection, this process provides a supportive framework for individuals to explore and heal these issues. Explore the variety of CHA gatherings here. By encouraging participants to engage with the 12-steps, although not adhering to any specific doctrine or belief system, it allows each person to tailor their healing journey to their unique needs, making it accessible and effective for anyone seeking growth, healing, and transformation.

Start your day off with our ‘Morning Boost’ gathering by simply calling in by phone. There is no obligation to speak. Every morning at 8am EST, join us for a brief 7 minute call dedicated to expressing gratitude and thankfulness, naturally encouraging and supporting our morning spiritual practice, whatever it may be. Together, we’ll take a moment to acknowledge and appreciate the things we’re thankful for, big and small. By embracing gratitude, we become lighter, happier, and our perspectives shift to those that are more humble and appreciative. Let’s start each day with a focus on gratitude and watch how it transforms our lives. Contact us to receive the private call-in number and passcode.

The 12 Steps of Collective Healing Anonymous are, in essence, the entire CHA process or program as they reflect universal wisdom and guidance not limited to any single spiritual tradition, belief system, or philosophy. The CHA process is a non-religious, yet highly spiritual and practical journey to discovering existential truths of ourselves while healing and liberating ourselves from any and all obsessions, compulsions, addictions, and identity challenges, IN THIS LIFE!

It is understood that both practical and spiritual success in Collective Healing Anonymous appears to require deeply honest and active participation. We understand that the 12 Steps are the Spiritual Foundation CHA and the 4 Pillars are the Practical Foundation ever reminding us that conscious choices and action are paramount to healing, feeling, awakening, and Self Discovery.

This Sacred Guidance Directory is a Directory of non religious yet deeply spiritual guidance toward Conscious Clarity and feeling, healing, and awakening has arisen primarily for bringing your inherent truth and sacred wisdom you were born with to awareness – to awaken Conscious Clarity beyond our typical modalities no longer serving us, the world, or the planet. Compliments of Peace President United.

Starting a CHA gathering and watching it grow can be an amazing and rewarding step in your journey of feeling, healing, and awakening. Since everything you need to know for starting and conducting a gathering is in the CHA Basics Book, it is encouraged to purchase one, read through it, and follow the instructions.  CHA also suggests having several copies of the CHA Basics on hand for those interested in attending as it is a basic yet thorough guide for participating and fully understanding the Collective Healing Anonymous process. There are copy and paste communication options for inviting potential participants here.

Featured Articles and Blogs

  •  How Collective Healing Works – This blog article is about one of the world’s top experts on healing collective and generational trauma, H Thomas Hübl, PhD. He is renowned teacher, author, and international facilitator who works within the complexity of systems and cultural change by integrating the core insights of the great wisdom traditions and mysticism with the discoveries of science.
  • Healing the Traumas that Shape Society, by H Thomas Hubl.

Understanding Addictions, Obsessions, and Compulsions


Contact Collective Healing Anonymous Now
Need Help or more information? Looking for a local CHA meeting or seeking to start one in your area? Reach out and contact a trusted friend here.