Collective Healing Anonymous

Empowering Non-Religious Spirituality toward Self Discovery, Healing, Feeling, and Awakening.

The 4 Pillars of CHA

It is understood that both practical and spiritual success in Collective Healing Anonymous appears to require deeply honest and active participation. We understand that the 12 Steps are the Spiritual Foundation of CHA and the 4 Pillars are the Practical Foundation, ever reminding us that conscious choices and action are paramount to healing, feeling, awakening, and Self Discovery.

1. Go to Meetings and Participate

Attending CHA meetings is where your journey of recovery and awakening begins; where we begin coming out of hiding as we learn that by allowing ourselves to be vulnerable, we discover our deeper invulnerability. It is in these sacred and supportive spaces that we begin trusting another process other than defaulting to our ‘thinking mind’ that got us into trouble in the first place; we begin turning our attention toward the higher collective wisdom of the group and the deeper intelligence and stillness of our being, within. Somehow the false sense of disconnection begins dissolving in the light of awareness as you connect with others who understand your struggles and aspirations. But attending meetings is just the start; participation is key. Sharing your experiences, listening to the stories of others, and engaging in discussions all contribute to the collective wisdom that fuels your progress.

2. Find a Journey Advocate

A journey advocate can be your temporary guiding light through the darkness in the CHA journey, and provides a profound level of compassionate accountability that we may be unable to provide to ourselves just yet. They offer support, guidance, and a helping hand when you need it most. Finding a journey advocate who resonates with your experiences, understanding, and aspirations is pivotal. With their wisdom and encouragement, you’ll have a compassionate ally to help you navigate the challenges and triumphs that come your way.

3. Genuinely and Willingly Engaging in the Steps

The heart of the CHA process lies in the steps. Wholeheartedly embracing the steps means facing them with an open heart and mind, prepared to address and acknowledge whatever is necessary for feeling, healing, and awakening. This process naturally leads to the healing of your core wounds of unworthiness, unattended sorrow, innermost trauma, and unresolved grief, while simultaneously awakening to the joyously peaceful truth of you and the boundless potential of a brighter future. Your willingness to embrace each step is an act of self-empowerment, self-love, a conscious decision and  affirmation that you’re ready to transform your life with dedication, tenderness, and self honesty

4. Complete the Exercises and Practice Sacred Processes from the CHA Workbook

The exercises and Sacred Processes in the CHA Books and literature are carefully designed to facilitate your healing, transformation, and awakening. They provide you with a structured path to explore your inner self, confront your inner conflicts, and reclaim your joyous and already whole nature. Committing to these exercises and processes is a practical investment in your well-being and an act of self-compassion and self-love. CHA highly suggests making mediation a daily part of your life.

Contact Collective Healing Anonymous Now
Need Help or more information? Looking for a local CHA meeting or seeking to start one in your area? Reach out and contact a trusted friend here.