Collective Healing Anonymous

Empowering Non-Religious Spirituality toward Self Discovery, Healing, Feeling, and Awakening.

The 12 Steps

Step Reframing and Personalization

Before we move into the official CHA Steps, clearly stated in the official CHA book is that inner transformation and recovery is a unique and individual journey, although we open our hearts and minds to receiving help, wisdom, and guidance from a multitude of sources. And, although there are 12 Official Steps of Collective Healing Anonymous, the option to modify or create your own personalized steps, that better align with your present perspectives and beliefs, is available.


In essence, the healing qualities of CHA lies in the freedom to question, adapt, and personalize each step to better suit your understanding, if you feel moved to do so; however, not necessary. By providing the opportunity to customize steps (with the help of a journey advocate), we ensure that the steps better align with your unique path of healing and awakening. Let this be clear: This step refinement process is not about discarding tradition or even creating new belief systems as refined coping mechanisms, but an honoring of the infinite diversity of experiencing that molds our individual minds.

The Official 12 Steps of CHA


We humbly acknowledge the impact of [the coping mechanism dependency] on our lives, understanding it is only temporary, and embrace the powers within us to reclaim autonomy of our minds.


We opened to the possibility that the power to restore conscious clarity resides within ourselves, and that we can utilize this Universal Loving Force and inner strength as Trust, Compassion, Gratitude, Diligent Focus, and Willingness, while utilizing relevant external guidance and support whenever we so choose.


Made a conscious decision to turn to and trust the deeper, silent wisdom and Universal Loving Intelligence within, choosing to rely on this inner guidance rather than being driven solely by our conditioning, mental will, thoughts, obsessions, and compulsions. By embracing this inner wisdom, our false identities gradually dissolve as awareness of our essential, already whole, inseparable being emerges.


By acknowledging our primal innocence, we made a compassionate and fearlessly honest inventory of self-judgments we have been carrying in the mind.


Admitted to our Universal Self, our personal self, and to another human being the exact nature of our believed self-judgments. (Hint: All three are one in the same.)


Were entirely ready to free ourselves from ALL self-criticism, self-judgment, self-blame, guilt, and unworthiness by allowing ourselves to feel whatever we have been avoiding.


Humbly sought inwardly through meditative self-inquiry to compassionately observe and understand the innocent nature of our beliefs, behaviors, feelings, and suffering.


Made a list of all persons we believe we have harmed and became willing to make amends to them all.


Made direct amends to such people wherever possible, except when to do so would injure them, others, or myself.


Continued to remain mindful and alert to unnecessary inner dialogue and judgmental thoughts, as well as externalized speech and behaviors; and when we believed we caused harm, promptly admitted it.


Sought through meditation, self-inquiry, and various other Sacred Processes to fully understand and become aware of the nature of suffering, experience, divine reality, and mySELF; thereby completely dissolving the illusion of separation and unwholeness.


Having become deeply healed and awakened through the power of awareness, we continue allowing life to effortlessly flow with ease, balance, and grace, while our lives effortlessly unfold beyond personal identity and both the illusion of control and separation.

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