Collective Healing Anonymous

Empowering Non-Religious Spirituality toward Self-Discovery, Healing, Feeling, and Awakening.

Challenged with obsessions, compulsions, addictions,

or identity matters?


There is a solution.

Please Know This:

The possibility to be Absolutely free of suffering and permanently liberated from all obsessions, compulsions, addictions, and identity challenges does exist for everyone, IN THIS LIFE!

Welcome to Collective Healing Anonymous

CHA - Your Empowerment Process to Inner Freedom!

Dear Friends! In a world where suffering often feels like the norm, as individuals continue struggling with addictions, obsessions, and compulsions while identity crises are on the rise a profound evolution is underway.


Collective Healing Anonymous (CHA) emerges as a groundbreaking non-religious, yet highly spiritual process and support group that transcends the limitations of traditional 12-step programs, offering a fresh perspective rooted in collective consciousness, empowerment, and deep introspection toward Healing, Feeling, and Awakening – Everlasting Inner Freedom. Although CHA’s primary spiritual aim is Self-Discovery, it provides the absolute potential to fully recover from any and all obsessions, compulsions, addictions, dependencies, and identity matters, in THIS LIFE!


And, most importantly, CHA is consciously designed to be used as a companion to any type of 12-step or non 12-step program, counseling, or healing and awakening modality or process you may be currently utilizing.  CHA embraces absolute inclusivity, recognizing that healing and growth can come from various sources. This flexibility allows individuals to integrate the CHA process with their existing practices without conflict, enhancing their overall journey.


Welcome to CHA!

Welcome to genuine Self-Discovery!

Welcome to your Empowerment Process!

Relevant Details about Collective Healing Anonymous (CHA)

Moving forward, to allow Collective Healing Anonymous to best work for you, it may be helpful to understand that CHA is not a belief system, philosophy, and not a religious teaching; does not ascribe to any single doctrine, guru, or spiritual master. It is, however, a supportive non-religious spiritual process and support system focused on collective healing through inner transformation and personal growth, using a variety of resources, even science; and focusing on CHA’s official 12 steps to liberation.


CHA is quite different from traditional Programs in three distinct ways: Most recovery-based processes often emphasize powerlessness. CHA’s approach, however, is about reclaiming our natural power over the mind— to use the mind instead of continuing to allow the mind to work on it’s own behalf (ego).


Secondly, other programs often claim that addiction and dependency are lifelong afflictions and identities, notions that CHA categorically rejects. CHA recognizes that what we refer to as addictions and dependencies – OR – obsessions and compulsions are merely temporary coping mechanisms; that one can be absolutely free of IN THIS LIFE!


And thirdly, CHA is not a belief system and does not attempt to make you believe in any doctrine, philosophy, or teaching. It is completely up to you to discover what works for you, and what does not; and, what is true for you in this moment, or not. YOU have the power of choice. And, reclaiming that superpower, as well as various others you may be unaware of, is an enormous part of CHA’a Step One.

Foundational Themes of Collective Healing Anonymous (CHA)

In our collective journey towards healing and recovery, it is essential to embrace a set of guiding principles that provide reassurance, empowerment, and inspiration. These guiding principles encompass the understanding that it is okay: to be confused, to not know, to feel whatever you feel, to think whatever you think, to rebel, to submit, to be addicted, to be dependent, to be happy, to identify as whatever you desire, to be sad, to be content, and it is absolutely okay to feel complete for no reason at all. In other words, it is Always Absolutely Okay to Be As You Are.


These following foundational Collective Healing Anonymous themes form a compassionate and supportive framework for anyone seeking to not merely overcome addiction and dependency challenges, but heal on many other levels, and lead a more fulfilling life – whether or not you feel you suffer obsession and compulsion issues. These foundational themes promote self-acceptance, connection, community, inspiration, and the understanding that feeling, healing, awakening is a journey available to all of us.


It’s okay: This reassures you that whatever you’re going through is acceptable and doesn’t make you a bad person. It acknowledges that everyone faces challenges, and it’s perfectly natural to seek out help and humbly receive support, unconditionally.


You are not alone: This reminds you that there are others who have experienced similar struggles, and somehow opens the door to dissolving the idea of disconnection holding us back from coming out of our shell and truly blossoming. It’s a powerful message of solidarity, indicating that your experiences are shared by many, and there’s a sense of community in healing together.


We are here for you: This underscores the idea of a support system. It means that there are people who will not judge or condemn you, who genuinely care about your well-being, and are unconditionally willing to assist you on your journey. You do not have to face your struggles in isolation.


There is another way to be alive: This offers inspirational and life liberating energy and possibility there are alternative paths to living a fulfilling and meaningful life, beyond our habits, routines, and beliefs no longer serving us. It encourages you to explore new possibilities and creativity beyond your current struggles.


You have choices: This empowers you by reminding you that you have the agency and power to make decisions about your life. You wield the power of choice, to consciously choose healthier and more constructive paths; recognizing you are NOT bound by your past choices and behaviors.


You are allowed: Most of us were raised in families and cultures telling us that our authentic experience was inadequate or not correct; therefore we learned to oppress and judge ourselves based upon those conditions. This “You are allowed” CHA theme is about giving ourselves permission to think, feel, and express ourselves beyond our critical inner voices. We are allowed to have the experience we are having right here now, without trying to mentally change it or judge it. You are allowed to be exactly as you already are. Perfectly whole.


You are Already Whole, Worthy, Innocent, Complete, Enough: This highlights your everlasting, natural, and intrinsic innocence, worthiness and completeness. It signifies that you do not need external validation or to modify your behavior or use substances to feel whole. You are already complete, loveable, enough, just as you are; always! Even when acting out addictions and compulsions.


The possibility to be free of suffering and absolutely liberated from all obsessions and compulsions or addictions and dependencies does exist for everyone: This is a powerfully inspiring outlook, suggesting that recovery and healing are attainable possibilities for everyone. It offers encouragement and the possibility that a brighter future, free from suffering, is within reach; or already here, now, when we open our hearts and minds.